AWHONN MN Section is a growing community of nurses interested in the issues of women and newborns. Please browse our site to find out more about us, what we do, and available resources to promote the health of women and newborns. AWHONN MN Section invites you to attend our upcoming webinar"Decoding the Fetal Monitor Tracing: A Guide to Strip Interpretation"Thursday, March 20, 2025 Objectives: 1. Analyze complex fetal heart rate patterns using standardized terminology, understand the pathophysiology, and implement corrective measures. 2. Explain fetal acid-base balance, the oxygen pathway and its impact on the fetal heart rate tracing. 3. Discuss effective communication and escalation of concerns regarding the fetal monitor tracing. The purpose of this class is to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately interpret fetal heart monitoring (FHM) strips using NICHD terminology. Participants will learn how to assess fetal acid-base status through FHM tracings, recognize signs of fetal distress, and understand the importance of effective communication and timely escalation of concerns to ensure optimal patient outcomes in labor and delivery. Presenters: Left: Rhianna Britton, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, NPD-BC Right: Nanette Vogel, MS, RNC-OB, C-EFM, NPD-BC, FAWHONN Recognizing Excellence and Influence
Congratulations to Nanette Vogel, MS, RNC-OB, EFM; Clinical Education Specialist, Birthplace, M Health Fairview; AWHONN MN Section Chair shown with AWHONN President, Dr. Cheryl Bellamy (left) and AWHONN CEO, Jonathon Webb (right) Nanette was inducted into the 2nd cohort as an AWHONN Fellow at the June 2024 AWHONN Convention in Phoenix, AZ. The designation as a Fellow of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (FAWHONN) recognizes nurse leaders who have made substantive and sustained contributions to the health of women and newborns beyond expectations of their role. AWHONN Fellows have demonstrated outstanding contributions to clinical practice, research, education, advocacy, or policy at the regional, national, or global level that is reflective of AWHONN's mission and vision. Becoming an AWHONN Fellow demonstrates your commitment to the profession and to the highest standards of nursing care in the specialty of women's health, obstetric or neonatal nursing. If you are interested in becoming an AWHONN Fellow, more information is available here: AWHONN's Accountability, Belonging, and Culture Statement
As AWHONN continues to evolve, we are reminded of our commitment to support the nurses who strive to provide culturally proficient and gender-affirming care for all women, transgender people, non-binary people, birthing people, and newborns regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, language, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, carceral state, dis/ability, citizenship, immigration status, income, or health insurance status. As an organization, we are adopting the following principles to guide us further toward our mission and vision. Guiding Principals
We look forward to continuing to build a community based on these principles for generations to come. Available Now: Hypertension in Pregnancy Resources from MNPQC
MNPQC's Hypertension in Pregnancy & the Postparum Period Initiative was created to improve the identification, treatment, and follow up of hypertension in pregnancy and the postpartum period. The workgroup has created several tools for your use and dissemination: Providers/Nurses: The toolkit above, the MNPQC Hypertension in Pregnancy Therapy Care Process Model, was created to help you better diagnose, treat, and educate your patients on hypertension in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Please share these materials, bookmark the page, and check back for the most up-to-date information. |
Providers/Nurses/Department Managers & Educators: The information in the above ER & Outpatient Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy Poster outlines treatment of pregnant and postpartum women presenting to the Emergency Room/Department, Urgent Care, or clinic setting with hypertension. The information is taken from pages 19-20 of the full MNPQC Hypertension in Pregnacy Therapy Care Process Model posted below. Feel free to download & print this poster for use in your facility. For additional details and treatment information on treating hypertension in pregnancy and the postpartum period, please review the full toolkit. | Providers/Nurses: The information in the above 2-page document outlines treatment of pregnant and postpartum women presenting to the Emergency Room/Department with hypertension. The information is taken from pages 19-20 of the full MNPQC Hypertension in Pregnacy Therapy Care Process Model posted above. For additional details and treatment information on treating hypertension in pregnancy and the postpartum period, please review the full toolkit. |
Visit our Related Resources page for additional websites, links, and educational events. Minnesota Section Website Questions? Contact Becky Gams |